Laphroaig TCWC EXM, 2005 11 years, 54,9 % 0,7 L, refill hogshead 800338, 232 bottles.
Located in the south of Islay and memeber of the Kildaton distilleries. The still operate some malt floors, enought for approx. 20 pct of what is needed. The balance is procured from the Port Ellen Maltings. There are 3 wash stills and 4 spirit still, of which has twice the size of the other 3, since there was not enough space for a 5th still.
Nose: For a strong Islay whisky perfectly in balance. Seasalt with sweet cream, followed by a lot of peat and smoke with a bit of red fruit.
Taste: Strong Islay character, complemented with eucalyptus and mint.
Finish: Very smoke but also nicely sweet.
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